Effect of Conditional Cash Transfer Programme on the Households in Gwiwa L.G.A. of Jigawa State


  • Yakubu Maitalata Nasarawa State University, Keffi
  • Becky Ade Aliegba




Cash Transfer, Household Finances, Social Investment, Social Assistance, Social Policy


This study investigated the effect of Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programme on households in Gwiwa Local Government Area (LGA) of Jigawa State, Nigeria. The CCT programmes have gained prominence as a poverty alleviation strategy for low-income countries. The study employed a case study method with qualitative assessments. The study adopted both primary and secondary methods of data collections through the means of survey and documentary evidence. The data analysed in this study was collected using a structured interview, while the secondary data was collected from the documented feedbacks of beneficiaries by the National Cash Transfer Office (NCTO). Tables, percentages and content analysis method were used to analyze the data. To advance credible arguments for the discourse, the Social Capital Theory was adopted. Some of the findings were improved savings abilities and specialized livelihood activities among others. From the findings made, it was concluded that the conditional cash transfer programme has improved the household finances and savings abilities of recipients and enabled them to enroll in multiple saving groups which led to improved livelihood. The study recommended the proposition for improved funding to sustain the savings abilities and improved livelihood activities of the recipients in Gwiwa Local Government Area. This could have a wider-reaching positive effect on households as well as improved well-being and livelihoods of recipients in Jigawa state in particular and the nation at large.




How to Cite

Maitalata, Y., & Aliegba, B. A. (2023). Effect of Conditional Cash Transfer Programme on the Households in Gwiwa L.G.A. of Jigawa State. FUDMA Journal of Accounting and Finance Research [FUJAFR], 1(3), 162–176. https://doi.org/10.33003/fujafr-2023.v1i3.71.162-176



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