Natural Capital Accounting and Profitability of Listed Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria


  • Fadheela Uba Jahun Department of Accounting & Finance, Transmission Company of Nigeria, Kumbotso Kano, Kano State, Nigeria
  • Muhammad Liman Muhammad Department of Accounting, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria
  • Zaharaddeen Salisu Maigoshi Department of Accounting, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria
  • Moses Babatunde Olanisebe Bursary Department University of Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria



Natural Capital Accounting, Profitability, Listed Manufacturing Firms, Nigeria


This study examines the impact of natural capital accounting on profitability of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria and it adopts correlational research design. The population of the study consists of sixty-four manufacturing firms listed on the Nigerian Exchange Group (NGX) for thirteen years between 2010- 2022. The study used the purposive sampling method, to obtain a sample of forty-nine manufacturing firms that meet the criteria. Return on Asset (ROA) is considered as proxy of profitability while natural capital accounting index (scores) were generated using 7 items in line with International Initiative on Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). Data for the study was extracted from the annual reports and accounts of the sampled firms for the period under study, and analyzed using multiple regressions. The result revealed that natural capital accounting has significant and positive effect on return on asset (ROA). Based on these findings, this study therefore, concludes that natural capital accounting influence profitability of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria. This study recommends among others that, listed Nigerian manufacturing firms should emphasize more on reporting their natural capital accounting as it is capable of improving their profitability. This can be achieved through proper and accurate reporting of their environmental information, because it affects profitability significantly. Also, in line with global best practices, regulatory agencies in Nigeria should issue reporting standards that would make reporting of all sustainable capital items and particularly environment/natural capital accounting mandatory.

Author Biography

Fadheela Uba Jahun, Department of Accounting & Finance, Transmission Company of Nigeria, Kumbotso Kano, Kano State, Nigeria





How to Cite

Jahun, F. U., Muhammad, M. L., Maigoshi, Z. S., & Olanisebe, M. (2024). Natural Capital Accounting and Profitability of Listed Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria . FUDMA Journal of Accounting and Finance Research [FUJAFR], 2(1), 75–91.



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